Call for Doctoral Program Papers

The Doctoral Program (DP) of the CP conference is open to all research students (including past participants) conducting research on constraint programming and related topics. The aim is to gather student researchers, discuss ongoing work in a relaxed atmosphere, and provide an opportunity for students to interact with experienced researchers.

We anticipate that the CP2020 conference will be partially or fully online due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Students will be able to participate via video conferencing facilities, although the scheduling for different time zones is not yet decided.

The program is a full-day event. It includes short presentations of student papers, discussion with senior researchers and networking activities for researchers in similar areas. If a physical conference is going ahead, the day will close with a dinner.

For physical participation, students may apply for financial support, which covers the conference registration, reduced cost shared accommodation and the dinner.

Important Dates

All deadlines are AoE

  • June 15, 2020 June 22, 2020 - Paper submission deadline
  • July 22, 2020 - Notification of acceptance or rejection
  • August 24, 2020 - Camera-ready version for online proceedings
  • September 7, 2020 - Doctoral program

Paper Submission

To participate, students must submit a short paper. The paper must contain work that is primarily of the student. It can be work in progress, completed work or recently published work.

Students with a paper submitted to the main conference may submit a two-page extended abstract. Otherwise, students must submit one of:

  • An ongoing or completed research paper. The paper should include the motivation of the work and provide technical details.
  • A summary of their research/PhD topic.

Submissions must be eight or fewer pages, and may contain up to one additional page of references (up to nine pages in total). Shorter papers are welcome.

The submission format is the same as for the main conference (Springer LNCS). The author list must clearly specify the main student author along with advisors and co-authors.

Submissions are required to be in PDF format. The paper is submitted through EasyChair. Submission procedures will be provided closer to the due date.

Papers accepted to the doctoral program will be made available online, but are not published in formal printed proceedings. Therefore they may be reused or extended for other conferences and journals in the future.

Financial Support

Financial support for attending a physical conference will be available. Details are not yet confirmed.

Doctoral Program

Review Training

Each participant will be assigned to review one of the submitted papers to the DP. The aim is to develop reviewing skills by reviewing the work of others and receiving feedback from other researchers. In addition, each student will receive comments on their own reviews. The explicit goal is to foster a positive review culture, as this is often overlooked in the computer science community.


Each student will present their work in a 10-minute presentation. The goal is to motivate the research and advertise their work to future colleagues.

Invited Talks

Two mid-career or senior researchers (to be determined) will reflect on their time in academia and industry. Students will have an opportunity to ask for advice about their own career path.

Social Dinner

If the conference is held in person, a free dinner will be organized on the evening of the doctoral program. The dinner will be open to all students of the doctoral program, the doctoral program invited speakers and chairs.


The proceedings of the doctoral program can be found here

Doctoral Program Chairs

Feel free to contact the doctoral program chairs if you have any further questions.